Love the libary? Wanna tweet about it and win a 50$ gift certificate to Amazon? Click on the link listed below for the details.
Also, don't forget that I'm holding the 'Dumb Bunny Hop-Hop', in which I'm giving away the book 'Junie B. Jones is a Dumb Bunny'. Details are listed in an earlier post. And so far, no one has joined. So, mathematically speaking, that only adds to your odds of winning. I don't wanna go all teacher on you or anything and preach to you about the rules of probability, but you do realize that that increases your odds of winning, right? And friends, the book is super cute. Even if you're not into kidlit, you're bound to have a child, niece, or nephew who most certainly is into it. So hop on over to March 27th's blog post and click 'Click here to enter', and maybe win a book for your favorite kiddo.
My Twaiku for the Contest
Fictional Haven
Imagination Station
Intellectual mecca
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